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A Review and Critique of the 2013 Ohio Legacy Trust Act

A Review and Critique of the 2013 Ohio Legacy Trust Act

Effective March 27, 2013, Ohio joined the growing list of states that have enacted asset protection trust legislation. This article provides a review and critique of the asset protection aspects of the Ohio Legacy Trust Act (Act).

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Asset Protection – Going Offshore May Yield the Best Results

Asset Protection – Going Offshore May Yield the Best Results

Years ago asset protection planning was an infrequently discussed topic between CPAs and their clients. Today, however, the topic often arises. Therefore, CPAs must have a basic knowledge of the strategies and techniques available to their clients to be able to intelligently respond to client inquiries.

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Amendment 8 – How to Protect Yourself

Amendment 8 – How to Protect Yourself

Amendment 8 prohibits a physician who has been “found to have committed three or more incidents of medical malpractice from being licensed to practice medicine in Florida” (emphasis supplied). How do you protect yourself from that Draconian rule? You implement a comprehensive asset protection strategy.

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In Asset Protection Legislation, Alaska Takes a Leap Ahead of Other States, But It’s Still a State

In Asset Protection Legislation, Alaska Takes a Leap Ahead of Other States, But It’s Still a State

On July 10, 2003, Alaska amended its 1997 Alaska Trust Act (the “2003 Bill”) in an effort to stay in the forefront of the growing list of states seeking to generate trust business by providing settlors with creditor protection and estate freeze legislation. This type of legislation attempts to rival that offered by certain offshore jurisdictions. The 2003 Bill makes Alaska more attractive as an domestic asset protection situs. As a state in the United States, however, Alaska falls short of providing the ultimate protection offered by certain offshore jurisdictions – lack of U.S. court power to upset asset protection planning.

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A Review and Critique of the 2003 Utah Trust Law Amendments

A Review and Critique of the 2003 Utah Trust Law Amendments

On March 22, 2003, Utah joined the growing list of states which have enacted asset protection trust legislation. This article provides a review and critique of those provisions of the Utah legislation which pertain to asset protection. Trusts which are subject to the new legislation will be referred to herein as “Utah trusts”.

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Trusts – a ‘Limited’ Combination

Trusts – a ‘Limited’ Combination

There is now available a superior trust structure in which a single-member Nevis limited liability company (LLC) is used in combination with a Cook Islands trust.

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